Todo [Dawn Ellis][Ian Hutchinson]
– Old house opposite garage (been there a long time) [Dawn Ellis] Read more...
– no 688 was a School house – no 692 next door – Concrete blocks made on site [Dawn Ellis] Read more...
– Main house of a farm in this location? [source: todo] Read more...
Olaf Petersen was born in 1915 and lived all his life in Swanson. He was always very modest about his achievements, which included the Maadi Cup, awarded by the Photographic Society for the best photo of the year. Entitled “So Lonely” it was a haunting picture of a pied oystercatcher on sand dunes. Most of his successful shots have been Read more...
International award winning photographer Henry Winkelmann who settled in Swanson in 1917, was a notable figure in the community. English-born Winkelmann’s credentials included the grand prize at the Panam-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco in 1915. His photographs covered a wide range of topics, well-known individuals and their families and residences, workers and their work-places, and significant events. In 1917 Read more...
Of John and Lavinia Mettam’s 12 children, six were born in Swanson. John’s father and brothers helped build a house on a 41 acre block (which Tram Valley Road and the railway now cut through). The land was issued to John Tunnard Mettam in September 1886, for an annual rent of 12 3s Od, under the Village Settlement Scheme. John Read more...
– Build 1893 – in 1988 relocated to Welsh Hills rd. No? [Rugged Determination, p133] Anthony Christian was born in 1862 at Matakana, son of Emanuel and Christina Christian, farmers of Tokatu Point near Warkworth. On 3 December 1884 Anthony married Maria Taylor, born in 1863 at Kawau, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Jane Taylor. Anthony took over his 500-acre Read more...
Situated at the corner of O’Neils Road and Drower Street, this 1890s villa utilises timber weatherboard walls, front verandah and double hung sash windows and a hipped roof with a square fronted bay. A finial crowns the front gable. The house is set amidst trees and a garden. It is on Allotment 223 of the 1914-1916 gumfields subdivision, and does Read more...
– Early 1900’s – Exact address ? – This is an old run down bldg. which is like the first houses they built in Swanson. – Todo [Rugged Determination, p83] [Possibly CHI 3374 -> 60 O’Neils rd] Read more...