Anthony Petrie arrived in New Zealand in 1900, and changed his name from Petrich into Petrie because his wife’s family didn’t want her to marry a “foreigner”. He named the roads in the locality – Awhiorangi Promenade, Rangimarie, Puketahu, Kitewaho — after much research on his part. A sawmill was built in 1949 along Awhiorangi Promenade from working parts sourced Read more...
Kauri | Maire-tawake | Puketaea | Swamp Forest
If ever Swanson needed to prove itself as a strong and feisty community it was in the late 1980s to early 1990s when residents fought the Kay Road balefill. The lessons learned during this difficult time have benefited the community, which has remained empowered and well organised ever since. After a stormy round of consultations in 1984, Tim Shadbolt’s council Read more...
In preparaton for the construction of the Waitakere Dam in the early 1900s, a tramway was constructed to be able to transport all materials and supplies, including the 28ft cast iron pipe lengths, from Swanson Station to the dam site. Most of the tramway route land was secured in 1904 from Mr A. Wright for seven shillings and sixpence an Read more...