The construction of the Waitakere Dam in the early 1900s was another project that provided work for Swanson settlers. Many families, including the Peglers, Ashs, Taylors, and Foleys, were part of the huge labour force on this and other Waitakere watershed projects. The growing city of Auckland needed a reliable water supply and its council found a suitable site for Read more...
– build 1939 – todo: why is there a bridge here ? [CHI 3417] [Auckland Regional Council Parks Service: Waitakere Ranges Regional Parkland Management Plan April 1992] [Cameron, Hayward and Murdoch 1997: A Field Guide to Auckland] Read more...
– Maori Heritage area – “the hill at the end of the range” – Very nice look out point [CHI 17687] Read more...
In preparaton for the construction of the Waitakere Dam in the early 1900s, a tramway was constructed to be able to transport all materials and supplies, including the 28ft cast iron pipe lengths, from Swanson Station to the dam site. Most of the tramway route land was secured in 1904 from Mr A. Wright for seven shillings and sixpence an Read more...