Candia Road was named by Waitemata County Council on 21 Nov 1941, previously is was No.2 Road, Swanson (reference:1). It is named after Candia city, a British seaport on the island of Crete, which actually changed name to Heraklion after the Battle of Crete in 1941. The name Candia Bay still exists today on Crete. The steep hills at Candia Read more...
– Archeological site [CHI 1266] [Historic Sites of the Waitakere Ranges] Read more...
– Archeological site of (unfinished) concrete house – Chimney stack remaining – Build 1890s (CHI), 1912-1920s (RD) [Rugged Determination, p84] [CHI 1731] [Historic Sites of the Waitakere Ranges] Read more...
Anthony Petrie arrived in New Zealand in 1900, and changed his name from Petrich into Petrie because his wife’s family didn’t want her to marry a “foreigner”. He named the roads in the locality – Awhiorangi Promenade, Rangimarie, Puketahu, Kitewaho — after much research on his part. A sawmill was built in 1949 along Awhiorangi Promenade from working parts sourced Read more...
Note: on private land, not visible from road. Please respect the privacy of the property owners. During WWII, the idea of building fuel reservoirs in isolated and semi-concealed spots was adopted. A site near the east side of the railway tunnel between Swanson and Waitakere was chosen; it was tucked into a fold of the hill just south of the Read more...
– Archeological site of Timber dam – aka. ‘Cassels Stream driving dam’ and ‘Swanson Stream Rafter dam’ – build 1850s – beyond end of Tram valley rd, under Kitewaho rd [CHI 1323] [Historic Sites of the Waitakere Ranges] Read more...
– Archeological site of Timber dam – build 1850s – between 25-33 Tram Vallay rd and 1234 Scenic Drive [CHI 1324] [Historic Sites of the Waitakere Ranges] Read more...
In preparaton for the construction of the Waitakere Dam in the early 1900s, a tramway was constructed to be able to transport all materials and supplies, including the 28ft cast iron pipe lengths, from Swanson Station to the dam site. Most of the tramway route land was secured in 1904 from Mr A. Wright for seven shillings and sixpence an Read more...
(near 50 or 52 Tram Valley rd) [CHI 1083] [Historic Sites of the Waitakere Ranges] Read more...
todo [CHI 3425]